Platform Fokus: the residents' platform for victims of earthquake damage
The idea for this platform arose when Kasper Hovius, owner of Kaspcreations, discovered earthquake damage to his own house. The experience was that there is an enormous amount of documentation and that it is difficult to request your own damage files from government agencies. After six months of waiting, he finally received his damage file, consisting of 321 printed A4 sheets and 416 photos of his house. In order to simplify this process and give residents control of their own files, Platform Fokus was established. On the platform, victims of earthquake damage can create their own damage files. In addition, users of the platform can easily share their files with participating (government) agencies. "The platform is built for citizens by citizens," Kasper explains. "Listening to the ideas of citizens and seeing if we can build it together" is an important principle of the platform, according to Kasper.
“Kaspcreations hecht veel waarde aan het feit dat burgers grip hebben op hun eigen persoonsgegevens”
Kaspcreations attaches great importance to the fact that citizens have control over their own personal data. Transparency and a good guarantee of personal data were the most important starting points in the development of the platform. Privacy plays an important role here. It is important that the (sometimes sensitive) data that is stored on the platform is properly secured against data leaks and other security incidents. In addition, we want to be honest and open about how we deal with the data of members of the platform.
To arrange all this as well as possible and to comply with the AVG, Kaspcreations has chosen Consignium. After a long search Kasper came across fellow-Groninger Bart Koehoorn from Consignium. "Bart is eager to learn and gets stuck in. The trust was immediately good."
Kasper indicates that he finds privacy and information security very interesting subjects, but that the legal part does not really appeal to him. This is because of the often woolly language used in laws and regulations. "Bart is able to explain all of this in a Coolblue way and to translate it into daily practice."
Consignium started an AVG implementation project in March of this year. At the beginning of the project, a 0-meting was done to determine what was needed in order for Kaspcreations and Platform Fokus to fully comply with the AVG. During this 0-meting, all data flows and the parties involved were mapped out. During the project, policy documents, regulations, procedures and protocols were drawn up. On the basis of this documentation, Kaspcreations and Platform Fokus demonstrably comply with the AVG. Among other things, a privacy statement, a privacy and information security policy and a processing register have been drawn up. In addition, agreements have been made with processors (suppliers) of Kaspcreations about how they should deal with the personal data processed on behalf of Platform Fokus. Transparency plays an important role here. Platform Fokus wants to inform its users (citizens using the platform) at all times about what happens to their data and how it is secured.
On advice, it has been decided to appoint a Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with the privacy policy drawn up by Consignium within the organisation.
"Short lines, good planning and nice contact," is how Kasper summarises the cooperation between Consignium and Kaspcreations. "There was tight supervision of a weekly contact moment in which the delivered documentation and practical questions were discussed. Moreover, the after-care after the project was in good order. Consignium relieved Kaspcreations of the privacy issue and supported them in its practical application."
“Korte lijntjes, goede planning en fijn contact,” zo vat Kasper de samenwerking tussen Consignium en Kaspcreations samen”
Advice for other organisations
Kasper's most important advice for other organisations is: "Even if you are part of a small organisation or a small project, privacy and the AVG are part of it. It has to be part of the business model, don't underestimate it! What Consignium has done for Kaspcreations and Platform Fokus is the same as making back-ups. If you don't make backups, it can cause big problems and at the same time do great damage to the trust of your customers."